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By nomorecleaning - 16/03/2013 12:17 - United States - Augusta

Today, I discovered that the reason my mom hasn't been noticing the extra cleaning I've done lately is because her boyfriend took credit when she asked about it; and was rewarded for it in bed. I helped him get with my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 170
You deserved it 4 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RAGE5119 9

You should put another girls underwear in there an then let him take credit!


Oh yes, let this be a lesson kids. Never, I repeat, NEVER help around the house, in case the Karmic Gods themselves decide this is a slight on their very existance, a blasphemy so big that the only way to balance this out is if your significant other sleeps with your Parent. NEVER DO GOOD DEEDS LEST YE OLDE GODS STRIKE THY MEEK BODY DOWN

peachesncreem 21

Pleo, it was OP's moms boyfriend that took the credit for cleaning. Not OP's boyfriend.

Don't worry Pleo, I read it the wrong way too at first.

However, my sarcastic comment deriding the use of that phrase still stands.

xcalabrese3x 6

Karma has a way of getting to people , don't worry

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

it's kind of gross to think bout it. op helped w their mom getting laid. instead of cleaning it up he/ she just dirtied it up.

jogihoppa8343 23

#13 this is the first time ever i saw you with two thumbs down and i wonder how is that possible??

Jogihoppa - Because everyone makes boneheaded comments every now and then, even the mighty Pleonasm. Well, everyone except KaySL. She's completely infallible, man.

jogihoppa8343 23

Sounds kinda similar to my step dad. Only instead of him taking credit, he gives it all to my step sister, who is never home and is kinda a lazy slob.

chelsearenaeee 16
chelsearenaeee 16

That moment when your joke becomes a really creepy reality.

'Kind of' and 'kinda' are kinda the same thing.

cradle6 13

I bet her boyfriend loves you!

Bribe the bf and get him to buy you stuff or give you money in exchange for letting him take the credit.

RAGE5119 9

You should put another girls underwear in there an then let him take credit!

"Oh, that underwear? It's not another girl's underwear. I actually got you them as a gift." "Aww, how sweet."

chelsearenaeee 16

#8 That's why they said another girls underwear. Get some granny panties up in there

What you should do is tell him to pay you for the housework. You clean, he takes credit, he gets laid, you get paid, mom doesn't have to clean. Win. Win. Win.

33#,then put a dirty one, with something smelly on

skyeyez9 24

Make the underwear too big or too small for OP so she wont get the blame. Or if OP wears a specific type of undies, buy a different type.

#38 For some odd reason I think it would be a little creepy to be pimping out your mother's boyfriend to said mother.

skyeyez9 24

I think mom could. Example if OP weighs 125lbs and wears small underwear. Plant a bigger pair of underwear made for a 180lb woman.

Lrigglez 7

Im curios to know how you know he was rewarded in bed.

RAGE5119 9

Prob because she was screaming how well he does laundry!

Lrigglez 7

There's a very simple solution here - just STOP. That way you stop breaking your back for nothing, and the dicksplash stops getting extra between-the-sheets credit. You win, he loses.

Something tells me that if OP does she will just get yelled at by her mom for doing nothing.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Eh, better than, as 7 put it, "breaking your back for nothing." Plus hopefully the OP's mom will take her anger out on her BF rather than her own daughter.

skyeyez9 24

I would rather get yelled at for something, vs another person stealing My credit for hardwork.

Well when u write it like that it sounds like ur jealus of the reward...

Leave it to the Internet to bring out the incest in everything.

Shadow_Phantom 26

And when you write like that it sounds like you're still stuck in elementary school.

*jealous Sorry, I have no self control.

You have no self control and yet only corrected one of those mistakes?

Puts a different twist on the whole "wingman" concept.

SmittyJA24 26

He was getting "the reward" before you started cleaning. Just sayin'....