Blood, water, all that stuff

By Anonymous - 04/07/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, despite the fact that he knows I need help, my recently turned 18 year-old son found an apartment and moved out, leaving me alone with my three toddlers. When I asked what I’m supposed to do for childcare, he just said, “Not my kids, not my problem. Ask their dads. Bye.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 68
You deserved it 2 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Evilqueen 7

Your son isn’t free childcare. Your kids your problem.


Evilqueen 7

Your son isn’t free childcare. Your kids your problem.

Nikki 17

Parentification is a form of abuse, if you don’t start trying to make it up to him for the right reasons now then he’s gone forever

"Dads"? As in plural? He actually sounds like a remarkably wise young man. chose to have multiple kids by multiple deadbeat men, in a short period of time, and you *actually* expect sympathy because your oldest child won't stick around and be a free babysitter for you? Either you're the most delusional bitch on the planet, or you made this up for attention. I'm choosing to believe the latter.

you need to grow up. it's not his fault you picked the wrong man or don't know what birth control is. pay for childcare or get on assistance and they'll offer lower cost childcare.

You suck for expecting your oldest to look after *your* children, especially for free. Once in a while is okay, but expecting your then minor son to watch them constantly is parentification, which is child abuse. I don't blame him at all for leaving; you're lucky he didn't call CPS. Your son owes you nothing; sue the other fathers for child support (as your son suggested), and apply for government child benefits. Also, I advise you seek professional therapy. You owe your son a huge apology.

So you literally ****** around and found out and now you're whining about it. Fantastic 'mother' material you are...

Your son is more grown up than you.