Blood, water, all that stuff

By Anonymous - 04/07/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, despite the fact that he knows I need help, my recently turned 18 year-old son found an apartment and moved out, leaving me alone with my three toddlers. When I asked what I’m supposed to do for childcare, he just said, “Not my kids, not my problem. Ask their dads. Bye.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 85
You deserved it 2 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Evilqueen 7

Your son isn’t free childcare. Your kids your problem.


He's 18 and doesn't have children, why would he ruin his life to babysit your failure to use birth control? Your irresponsibility is your problem to deal with

here4thaLzzz 2

Jesus, you have an 18-year-old AND three toddlers? And he said to ask their dads? As in plural? Might I recommend tubal ligation... if you can't support kids, stop having them. People like you irritate me so bad... my tax money is supporting those bad decisions of yours. Your adult son is not a built-in free babysitter. Good for him for getting out of there.

He couldn't wait to leave because you're a shitty parent. You decided to lay on your back with different men and now you pay the consequences. If you don't apologize now, you'll lose your son forever. Stop acting like the victim because depending on how old your second oldest child is, your son has been the victim for that many years.