Blue Christmas ?

By MaeMoss - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I used a man's shirt as a pillowcase and sprayed it with cologne so I wouldn't feel alone in the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 516
You deserved it 8 490

Top comments

harkerk87 3

That sucks op how long have you been single


CallMeMcFeelii 13

Sounds like someone needs a teddy bear..

tinkrocks98 6

Try online dating ? Keep searching for someone OP :)

I do that when my boyfriend is away/: well not the shirt as a pillowcase part, but the cologne.

So you're 14 years old and finding it unusual when your bf isn't sleeping with you.. That's not disturbing at all...

Sorry to hear that, maybe you'll find someone soon?

It's ok op, u will meet that pillow guys man someday, and u will always do the cologne thing if ur missing him.

You should invest your money in a stuffed animal

Deannie88 6

Aww I'm sorry to her you're lonely OP. I'm not sure if it's the same thing but I do it too cause my husband is deployed and I haven't seen him since April... I hope you find someone that'll make you very happy!

Deannie88 6

Before Grammar Nazis correct me, yes it's supposed to be hear -___-

They make actual pillows with arms on them to spoon with when you sleep.

Online dating is the new way to go, and it takes a lot of the stress and time out of old fashioned dating, I'm now dating a girl I met online and we've been going strong.