
By why do eggs explode - 12/10/2015 21:35 - Canada - Calgary

Today, while I was in the shower, my 4 year-old son wondered what would happen if he put 6 eggs in the microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 297
You deserved it 3 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a great opportunity to teach him to clean a microwave.

The wonder of having small kids.. Good luck with that clean up!


paravoz 30

So he was alone while you were in the shower?

Bi0xHazard 18

You see chaos but I see science experiment

Humuckachiki 9

Why did you leave him to take a shower?

Briggs13 2

There's no way a 4 year old can reach my microwave... maybe you should fix that...

momac86 17

And you left him alone because? Special kind of stupid

I feel so sorry for you having to clean that mess up. I hope you made him help. Wasn't he supervised though?