
By JurassicHole - 22/04/2012 03:27 - United States

Today, while landscaping my backyard, I was pulling a big weed out of the ground. After the last tug, the soil came free, but ended up with me punching myself full force in the nuts. I think my future children are already filing for parental abuse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 206
You deserved it 4 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good thing guys constantly generate new sperm! Lol girls don't generate new "eggs" ever, so if they get damages they literally damage their future children. Nerd moment srry :P


It's okay sperm don't last that long anyway...

fuckmebutdontfml 16

Could karma for when "the woman beside me decided to get out of her seat and put her face straight in the path of my hand." ???

I think I felt a little pain just reading this.

Ouch,OP I think you shouldnt expect children,that might have destroyed chances by a lot!

Michael_92 20

Just think, usually the stronger ones would produce a better kid too. Not saying to go out and hit yourself to make sure ONLY the strong ones live lol.

so your talking about shaving your butt hole.

Michael_92 20

So I wasn't the only one that thought backyard meant something else!! haha

Hit in the testicles does not cause infertility or problems with sperm quality... but tremendous pain OUCH!

A damage too severe to the testicles WILL cause problems in fertility. Y U not educated?!