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By Cherie - 31/08/2009 21:18 - United States

Today, I was in an unfamiliar building on campus and I needed to use the bathroom before class started. I walked in and saw a man at the sink. I said "Oh my god I'm sorry! I thought this was the women's washroom." It was. The very butch looking woman gave me a look of death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 763
You deserved it 10 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mina_8 0

That sucks. :P It was just an honest mistake but no one likes it when their gender is assumed wrong.

LOL! This has happened to me before, except in a different situation. It was my first day of middle school and I didn't know where the bathroom was. I went into the womens bathroom, thinking it meant girls... I was washing my hands when a teacher walked in and told me that I needed to leave. O,..,O


Good idea she might have just gotten out of womens prison

hellawagon 0

Washroom really? & YDI for not paying close enough attention when doing something like that.


She gave you the "look of death", eh? Maybe she was seducing you, and you didnt even notice. Take it as an in-direct compliment.

screwtaylor 0

meh **** her for not looking like a woman, neither an fml or ydi

tonyDlolli 0

ydi for actualy giving a shit

pshnoway 0

You deserve it for assuming she was a man.

i agree with u OP YDI for getting the gender wrong btw u should get ur eyes checked up

Clearly you haven't seen too many lesbians.

AnaMaree 0
letitbe56 0

Allie2590- What an ignorant comment. No where in the FML does it say that this woman was gay.

or it might have been just a girl with short hair

Not all chicks with short hair immediately stop looking like chicks. Just saying.

LaLaJoy 2

This is soooo not her fault, dumbasses.

pshnoway 0

Wow, next time try stating your opinion without calling other people dumb. It's your opinion, not a fact.

Right. She just dresses like she's gay, so she can...attract gay men. Yeah. Do you even know what "ignorance" means?

87, I assume you're responding to letitbe? The woman may not have been dressing manly, and even if she was, that doesn't automatically mean she is a lesbian, which was letitbe's point. Also your logic is flawed in that I can easily counter like this: "A lesbian would want to attract girls, fellow lesbians, and fellow lesbians wouldn't go after a girl who looked like a guy." In other words, dressing "like a man" to attract girls, who are attracted to girls, not men, is completely illogical, and so your logic that she must be a lesbian if she is dressing "like a man" is flawed. Obviously, lesbians like that DO exist, but your assumption is incorrect based on your argument. And of course, many straight girls act masculine too, so the assumption is just in general incorrect. Technically speaking, many clothes that girls wear today were actually considered "masculine" (examples: jeans, t-shirts, vests...). Yet they are now in the women's aisles, aren't they? So maybe the woman had jeans on? (If seen from behind, it wouldn't matter what type of shirt she wore) Not dressing manly at all, not anymore, not in this day and age.

Jeez, dude, that's not what I meant at all. My point is that it would be ignorant to assume she was hetero. You know what it means to put words in other people's mouths, right?

Sorry, that's what it sounded like you were saying. "Dresses like a dude to attract gay men yeah that make sense" is what it read to me.

jake040 3

where does it say she isn't gay?

jake040 3

where does it say she isn't gay?

adamcichuttek 2

96- I'm pretty sure assuming that someone isn't straight because of how they look ignorant.

ithedarkone 0

Big deal you could of said oh i thought it was the mens bathroom " hold your panties bitches"

mina_8 0

That sucks. :P It was just an honest mistake but no one likes it when their gender is assumed wrong.

letitbe56 0

Well, some people do like it. I have a good friend whose day is made every time she gets called "Sir." If you're going to try to walk the line of traditional gender roles, you have to be prepared for the reactions you're going to get. Anyone who gets upset about that kind of thing clearly isn't very comfortable with themselves.