
By I get the hint - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, I found a pamphlet for alcohol counseling on my front door today. I think it was from the guys who pick up my recycling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 720
You deserved it 12 450

Top comments

perdix 29

Invite them to your next big party. If you are consuming all of that alcohol by yourself: Step 1. Admit you have a problem. . .


I see all these, maybe you should but back, at least they care. Bullshit, they are being preachy. It has nothing to do with them, for all they know you have parties every week/you have one big blow out a week. If you are happy with your drinking then by all means carry on. People who are unaware of your situations should mind their own business and deal with there own problems. I myself only drink at most once a week at home but I have 4 or 5 people drinking with me and so get through 30-50 cans with no trouble.

I'd be with you if this wasn't the first time they'd left something. I think this is genuine concern, and if this is where it stops, it's nothing beyond a caring gesture from someone who was thinking better safe than sorry. Now, if they show up every week after this, yeah, that's being moralistic judgmental jerks without knowing the full story. But one little pamphlet isn't enough to call asshole on if it's not a pattern.

reymon8823 24

Cash in the cans at a redemption center lol

Man ur lucky,even the recycling man cares for you.

Maybe they should come out with a 5 pack.

RedPillSucks 31

Don't be fooled. Your recycling guy works for the NSA. Now he knows you buy your alcohol from the liberal wing of Al Qaeda affiliates.

AngelLovesDerby 10

I've always expected a note during football season. I have a crew of ex military buddies who spend all Sunday at my place drinking. I wouldn't worry too much unless you're filling the cans solo.

I'm sober and attend Aa and that is totally wrong of someone to do if you want to be sober if you even have a problem you should chose for your self and that's we're you should be welcome but only you know if you have a problem so f*** that guy buddy

Lmaooo that's pretty ****** funny to me sorry OP, but seriously if you have a drinking problem and they were trying to help u should be glad they care

I'm glad your recycling!! I'm pretty sure fear of judgement is why my downstairs neighbors never used to!!! why they gotta be clear bags any ways what's wrong with the blue ones?? atleast they'd have to guess your brand!