
By I get the hint - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, I found a pamphlet for alcohol counseling on my front door today. I think it was from the guys who pick up my recycling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 720
You deserved it 12 450

Top comments

perdix 29

Invite them to your next big party. If you are consuming all of that alcohol by yourself: Step 1. Admit you have a problem. . .


We return all my father-in-law's bottles as well as our own whenever we go; we usually only return about once a month and have thousands of mostly-beer bottles and cans. I can only imagine what the people at the redemption center think of us.

hunteryager 18

At least you recycle the cans/bottles or whatever. I can't say the same for my family unfortunately.

Hey a drink a day isn't a bad thing but a bit much maybe is for consideration...try to limit or put less cans out for pick up...

Maybe those cans and bottles been sitting in bin for months. I can't judge

Take this as a sign to improve yourself.

154rct 7

"I dont always take out the recyclables, but when I do, I look like a raging alcoholic."

At least you're recycling the cans/bottles

Hey at least someone is looking out for you

Axel5238 29

Twice a week isn't bad presumably that you aren't getting trashed and doing stupid stuff to embarrass yourself or others. It really depends on how often, how much and how you are when you do. I have friends that almost never drink, but they can't drink a six pack without doing something stupid. If you a regularly drinking 3 times a week it might be a problem more than that and it more than likely a problem. There really isn't enough to tell here whether or not there is an issue outside of them taking an interest in your health.