
By I get the hint - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, I found a pamphlet for alcohol counseling on my front door today. I think it was from the guys who pick up my recycling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 720
You deserved it 12 450

Top comments

perdix 29

Invite them to your next big party. If you are consuming all of that alcohol by yourself: Step 1. Admit you have a problem. . .


Put the vodka bottles in your neighbor's bin.

1. At least you're recycling. 2. It's nice to know that a total stranger is concerned about your well being.

This sounds too much like a punchline from a bachelor sitcom. Please get help!

Pinkfun69 4

It joys me when the recycling truck comes and when the trash can is lifted I stand at my window and listen to the can empty. " nothing but the sound of glass emptying I to the truck" l

Ok guys I'm OP and I have been to counseling and am proud to say I am much better. I even left a note for the guys who pick up my recycling telling them tanks. And thank y'all for the positive comments! :)

In addition to drinking beer and sometimes rum, or wine, I also make tinctures. I buy the really big bottles of cheap vodka for the tinctures, and I sometimes worry about what the neighbors think, because we share the same recycling bin. Fortunately, there are three households sharing, so no one has to know it's all from us.

You know you're an alcoholic when even the recycling guy is trying to get you help.

Well at least you're recycling the bottles

ElijahAsh 14

Guy at my local bottle return commented about my number of empties. I said A. I have a lot of parties. B. You’re at least 300 pounds dude, don’t worry about me 😂

ElijahAsh 14

uy at my local bottle return commented about my number of empties. I said A. I have a lot of parties. B. You’re at least 300 pounds dude, don’t worry about me 😂