
By BagelShmear - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while working the cash register at my job, a little kid was running around with products while his mom was checking out. She told him she was going to give me his PSP if he didn't stop. He responded by throwing a bag of coffee beans at my face. I didn't even get to keep his PSP. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 580
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well i wouldnt expect her to give it to you anyways. its a psp afterall. still fml

Seriously? My parents would have gone through with the threat. Then again, toys weren't nearly as expensive when I was a child compared to all of the electronics kids have now.


misstessaelice 5

ydi for thinking that the parent would actually GIVE you her kids psp. even if she did say that to her child. your job is to scan the order, not listen to a parent and childs argument and expect something out if it.

I think the point was the mother allowing the kid to run all over and do what he wanted and then getting hit in the face by the mothers little hell spawn not the not getting the PSP part.

Sulkiva 2

OP this happens to me (if not everybody) from time to time. It is very disappointing how (most) parents do not discipline their children and do not follow through with their threats. But it's no reason to label all children as evil, there are some outstanding kids out there, they're just harder to find. :D

hhhiii 0

YDI for thinking she was serious

I woulda clothesline the little mother fuka

Next time throw coffee at his face. You know the kind in the can! Make sure it's still in the can when you do it. Why didn't you call security and have them call the cops, then file a report. Kid will never learn if no one takes action. He should have been a nut stain on the wall.

skyeyez9 24

Wth do parents let their kids get away with horrid behavior?

I say that because the op is complaining about not getting the psp. If that comment was left out there would be no need for such rude comment

really??? wow how long did it take to think that one up? i bet you have been waiting forever to crack that joke.

She's not gonna give you something costs over $100 just because her kid isn't behaving so quit your bitchin