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By bitch i'm a gerontophile - 29/11/2012 18:08 - Taiwan

Today, while working at my local supermarket, I found a boy lost and wandering about, so I took him to the front desk. My reward from his mother was a slap around the face and harsh words for supposedly having kidnapped him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 164
You deserved it 1 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comet_Candy 23

People can be absolutely despicable sometimes, huh? Maybe just overly paranoid...

the_enigma1019 1

No good deed goes unpunished... People need to camp down about the whole "pedo" paranoia.


Comet_Candy 23

People can be absolutely despicable sometimes, huh? Maybe just overly paranoid...

indielove 13

It's brilliant plan. Kidnap and then bring them back. P.S what is a gerontophile?

After a quick google search, I found that gerontophilia is sexual preference towards the elderly. In other words, pretty much the opposite of pedophilia.

myeviltwin 20

ewwwww to both. Why would anyone wanna have sex with children or the elderly (well with the elderly I could see if it was for serious money (can you say Anna Nicole Smith) )?

Tell me about it. In this situation I would've been highly tempted to keep my pimp hand strong.

I pity that kid growing up with that momma

BlueFlatts 20

Honestly, and I know how this sounds, but I would have slapped her back if I were you and situation went down like it did in my head.

OneLittleAdditio 9

most of us would I think but she would have put her job at risk proabably because "the customer is always right" it sucks.

OneLittleAdditio 9

89, I know what you meant but I think OP was just shopping at his local, not working there. :)

I have just thumbed myself down for stupidity. I should not read fmls before going to sleep! :(

the_enigma1019 1

No good deed goes unpunished... People need to camp down about the whole "pedo" paranoia.

Well pedophilia is a very real thing and could definitely happen. I don't condone the mother's behavior in this case but I also don't think people should "calm down about the whole pedo paranoia" because sometimes its that very paranoia that can prevent pedophilic incidents just saying

unknown_user5566 26

16- I agree that parents should be aware and proactive when it comes to pedophilia in order to protect their children, but it's pretty obvious that OP didn't mean any harm considering he brought the child back to the mother (IMO).

Children are actually more likely to be molested by a family member or family friend than by a stranger. Pedo paranoia usually causes more problems than it fixes, like any kind of paranoia.

I know the mother was obviously in the wrong here I'm just trying to say people shouldn't let their guard down that's all

carmenm 6

Maybe she shouldn't lose her kids then she wouldn't have to worry about pedos' and a kidnapper isn't going to bring them to the service desk so that was a huge overreaction on her part

I woul press charges simply because I did something nice and got slapped. I have no respect for people that do that.

I agree with 36, call your manager over and let him/her know what happened and that you will be pressing charges against her.

RandomPatron 13

He could only get assault if she threatened him with what she said, which seems likely. However, he could easily get battery because she actually touched him in an "offensive" way.

I would honestly press charges only for the satisfaction of imagining her panic at a police station.

People are terrible sometimes, but you have to imagine how terrified the mother must have been. Just pat yourself on the back for doing the right thing.

majorjeneral 0

I can understand her being terrified, but that's not an excuse for assault. What a wonderful example that mother is setting for her child. Perhaps when the kid is older someone will find and return his lost wallet. He will then beat the person silly for stealing it.

TopBanana20 11

FYL OP. She's an ungrateful bitch

I'm sorry that happened. Some people behave so oddly and sometimes don't think before they act.

60 - what did you do to 5 so that he deserves a public excuse like that? OP- some ppl are asses, don't let it bring you down and don't stop the good actions, one day you'll do the same thing and the mother might thank you from the bottom of her heart, who knows. Those good times are worth the bad ones IMO.

She didn't want to act grateful because it would be admitting to herself that she lost her kid.

They say no good deed goes unpunished. FYL, but you did the right thing. I just noticed a comment above me says the same LOL!

mrz1177 11

Call the cops....That's assault

Maybe she was just being a bitch but even if it was assault it was very petty

jojimugo 20

**** calling the cops whoop her ass

Actually it's battery(contact), a harsher charge with more punishment to the parent.

citymayer 7

Should've blamed it on her parenting skills. That'll teach her to keep her hands to herself.

unknown_user5566 26

I had to Google your username. Everyone, hide your grandparents!

unknown_user5566 26

Or granny porno. Gran: Listen up good, sonny, and I'll teach you how things were done back in the day... Bow-chicka-bow-wow.

yousuck44 11

I just threw up a little in my mouth thanks a lot butt munch!

Just know that you did the right thing and try to be happy about that. His mother was probably just very worried and that made her overreact. The real reward in this is you reuniting a mother and child. Good on you, OP