By jessica - 17/02/2009 23:56 - United States

Today, I was working the register at a local grocery store. A kid about 5 years old was having trouble zipping his jacket. I reached out to help him and he started screaming "No bad touch bad touch!" and kicked me in the knee. Everyone looked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 070
You deserved it 9 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids seem to like me, maybe because I am shorter than most adults. But I ALWAYS ask them if they need help first. Once I was skiing and there was this small 5 yr old kid and he was 'stuck' on a flat part without poles, so I asked him if he would like help, and he said yes, so I pulled him along (he grabbed onto my pole) the flat section. People often go up to dogs and just pet them, dogs attack, and the dog gets euthanized...

Mr_Serious 6

people need to teach their kids what the hell that stuff actually means... i probably would've shit-stomped that little prick...


it would have been glorious if you started singing "You and me baby ain't nothin but mammals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery channel"

Mr_Serious 6

people need to teach their kids what the hell that stuff actually means... i probably would've shit-stomped that little prick...

Or she could've asked for his permission.

That kid is well trained. I'm surprised he didn't kicked you in the face. You should be glad he did that. I think you deserved this one though, sorry to say. Next time ask. You just don't "zip" someone unless you'd be wanting a smacking.

Kids seem to like me, maybe because I am shorter than most adults. But I ALWAYS ask them if they need help first. Once I was skiing and there was this small 5 yr old kid and he was 'stuck' on a flat part without poles, so I asked him if he would like help, and he said yes, so I pulled him along (he grabbed onto my pole) the flat section. People often go up to dogs and just pet them, dogs attack, and the dog gets euthanized...

Aw this is actually the funniest thing I've seen all day the comment is so serious and then you're just like 'hehe' i like you

#2, the kid is not a brat, just trained. OP, considerate of you to help, sucks. Hope the spectators put 2 and 2 together and figured out what you were really trying to do. Good thing you're a girl, too.

zachattack 0

Thank goodness you're not in freakin' jail.

zidane312 0

lol, i woulda kicked the shit outta that kid if he said that to me. But only if nobody was looking lol

elguapo_fml 0

seriously, don't be touching little kids that don't belong to you. it's that simple... you deserve to look like a pedophile if you behave like one

It's nice you wanna help people but don't touch kids. Seriously. In this day and age, don't even bother. Everyone's a paranoid freak.

Ah, see, Big Brother's Paranoia Lessons are starting to take hold. Don't believe me? When's the last time you heard some "good news" from the big stations?