
By BagelShmear - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while working the cash register at my job, a little kid was running around with products while his mom was checking out. She told him she was going to give me his PSP if he didn't stop. He responded by throwing a bag of coffee beans at my face. I didn't even get to keep his PSP. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 580
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well i wouldnt expect her to give it to you anyways. its a psp afterall. still fml

Seriously? My parents would have gone through with the threat. Then again, toys weren't nearly as expensive when I was a child compared to all of the electronics kids have now.


DrainedOfSanity 4

Shoulda batted the coffee back at his ass.

At least you didn't end the fml with "I now have a court date for two counts of assault. FML" OP I applaud you for keeping your cool in this situation. Honestly I would not stop screaming at the kid and yelling obscenities for a good 3 minutes.

39, you forgot to add- "I now have no job" along with the court date.

should have thrown the coffee back at the mom

KEV10293847 0
AG_Lining 0

You don't deserve some kid's PSP since a parent made a hollow threat, but you don't deserve that treatment, either. If that happens again, stop checking your customer out right there and tell him/her s/he has to leave until s/he can control his/her child. Then cancel the sale.

I'm guessing the kid in question was between 4 and 10 years old, in which case, the very fact that the mom had given him a PSP at that age means she's a moron. I would have had store security detain them, then had CPS come threaten to take the kid away. Stupid people should not be allowed to breed.

Action_Bastard 0