Brave guy

By AbandonedHouseWife - 17/10/2012 20:16 - Canada - Grande Prairie

Today, I woke up and found a little note where my husband should have been. It said, "We've had some good times, hun, but it's time for me to move on." We've been married for 15 years, and have 3 children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 553
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste


As a guy who got the same treatment, the note was handed to me by her boyfriend, I'm so sorry.


You'll see him again when he gives you child support $$$ :)

Oh my, terribly sorry. You and the children will have a hard time however you'll be better off in the long run. Good luck, it will get better.

Could you read my version of a comment. I do believe you are kind. It's just people who leave notes are really on their own side. Can do no wrong and just had to " move on"

skyeyez9 24

He may come crawling back after his mistress dumps him. And when he does, You will have the satisfaction of telling him to eat shit and go to Hell.

bonsaiboy26 1

Easy now everyone. Yes that may have been spineless, but there is always more that we don't know. She fml's something and it's instant sob story for her... Try thinking about why he left. Maybe she is crazy, maybe she is too much. Or maybe he is an ass hat. All I'm saying is don't jump the gun

tcdaboss 2

I said that above and got thumbs down. Remember its always the mans fault. My x wife played me admitted it and has custody of my son an i pay her child support. No matter what it's always the mans fault

jem970 19

He left behind 3 KIDS! If OP is a crazy mother he is a terrible father for leaving 3 kids with a crazy person! Think before you post please. And I don't think he'd say "good times" to a crazy, bitch wife.

tcdaboss 2

Still cant judge off only a simple fml post. No details at all..

skyeyez9 24

All we know is the husband abandoned his family. That in itself is significant. What man would just abandon his kids like that?

bonsaiboy26 1

Just because he left a note like that doesn't mean he won't be a part of his kids life. And I wasn't actually saying the woman was crazy.... Some people... I was saying we simply read her fml post we don't know anything surrounding their said life. So for a person to just start ragging the dude and labeling him a d bag is not right. I'm not saying its not shitty situation I'm saying think about what u don't know.

Ins0mau 20

Even if she were a crazy bitch, a real man should have the guts to break up face to face. Not with a little note. Especially when you'd just been sleeping beside her. There's no excuse.

Even if she's crazy his ass should have found that out before they got married n had children. He should have grown some balls n let her know its not working

tcdaboss 2

This happens in a lot of cases. Such as he gas cancer or any issues and distances himself from the family. Lot of people do that. When i was deployed and came home a lot of people did that because they were messed up in the head one way or another. once they got help it was ok.

skyeyez9 24

He has no balls. He just LEFT. At least discuss things if you feel your marriage is going downhill, not just surprise the other spouse with a note. The kids will ask where their dad is and one day he is there, the next he is gone with no warning. That will mess up his kids for a looong time, possibly a lifetime of trust issues he dumped on his kids.

bonsaiboy26 1

What's with all the negative comments? I already agrees it was the wrong way to go about it, and that it was pretty much spineless, I'm just trying to get you people to understand you know absolutely nothing about the situation. U say he should have talked to her about it. Maybe he has talked to her maybe she didn't take him serious I'm just saying dont jump to conclusions though it does look very bad.

Wow that's an asshole. I hope everyday is life gets more n more miserable

Shame you didn't find out what a epic fuckwad he is 15 years and 3 children ago :(

Jlwight 0

Would you prefer being dumb in a huge fight in front of said kids?

Hurbel684 10

Thats when you walk into court with the song "we are never getting back together" playing.