Brave guy

By AbandonedHouseWife - 17/10/2012 20:16 - Canada - Grande Prairie

Today, I woke up and found a little note where my husband should have been. It said, "We've had some good times, hun, but it's time for me to move on." We've been married for 15 years, and have 3 children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 553
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste


I don't know how anyone can say you deserved this. Good luck on your new life as it will be a hard one. Hope the children will be ok.

noisebox 1

Hard not to act on that urge when it hits....

I hope he hasn't left notes like that to your children either. I mean if he can do something like that there's no limit on what he's capable of?

Wtf?? I wish my hubby would try that! After 25 years, I'd take everything he'll ever have! You find him & clean him out!!!

My friend came home from work & her husband of 35 yrs had his bags packed! She asked what's going on? and he just said I'm leaving! She got everything in the divorce! The house, the cars, the money & the dogs! The kids are grown!

He doesn't get a half of anything! He had some good things, and some bad things, but him moving on makes him have no things! I am SO sorry. A little tear rolled down my face. That absolutely broke my heart. I cannot imagine how you feel. I wished there was something I could do. That is just so terrible and there isn't enough words to describe how much of a coward, dick ass move that was on his part. Again, I'm sorry. My heart goes out to you.

Phishhed44 2

He's in Key West blowing his new tranny friends.

Since I have found out two of my children were not mine and I never left. She left me after a year or so of me not mentioning it. I seriously think after reflection, you'll know which child reminds you of him. Then you can let the child visit on holidays. ( Visit You that is )