Brave guy

By AbandonedHouseWife - 17/10/2012 20:16 - Canada - Grande Prairie

Today, I woke up and found a little note where my husband should have been. It said, "We've had some good times, hun, but it's time for me to move on." We've been married for 15 years, and have 3 children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 553
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste


Maybe the OP is an insufferable bitch. She could be abusive and this was the way out without getting his teeth smashed out. Would you rather he shot her and the kids and then faced off with the police until they gun him down? The double standard in this society is getting obnoxious.

It's strange how he defines 3 kids and 15 years as "some good times." He obviously doesn't understand what family means. I'm sorry OP. Good luck with all to come.

Karmasabiych 7

I'm so sorry to hear that I hope you can get through it

What a turnoff.... Another example of stupid stuff guys do that makes their women lose interest in having sex with them.

flockz 19

so let me get this straight. my wife of fifteen years whose popped out three blobs of life will not crave my dick when she finds this breakup note on her pillow? shit and i thought her loins would be burning for me when she read it. take note men, women are turned off by breakup notes, according to lulu.

Well, apparently you took it waaaay more seriously than he did?

because marriage and kids shouldnt be taken seriously...............

he sounds like a douche anyway. sorry op. burn his shit!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Get yourself a vicious lawyer.

All these people saying "sue him" or "get child support". Think about this, 15 years with someone and a possibility of no warning about him leaving OP. And how about the kids? Money does not raise those three kids, parents do. OP I hope you are not hurting as I would imagine and find someone you deserve who will love your children as you love them. A strong woman raises strong children.

Correction. A strong parent (male or female) raises strong children.

delightfultwist 5

oh my god! how cowardly and heartless