Brief encounter

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Pewaukee

Today, a guy I have been crushing on since forever finally talked to me. Too bad it happened after an anxiety attack when he carried me from class to the nurse's. The first thing he said to me when I came to was, "You're heavier than you look." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 549
You deserved it 1 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ber4fun 23

At least he was a gentleman enough to carry you there. I wouldn't worry about his comment as a lot of people can appear skinny but weigh more due to muscle mass, water retention, etc..

Really hope you're feeling better, OP. I don't think he was being malicious but still not the best thing he could've said.


TacoTheDank 27

Sometimes people say things without thinking about them first, but I don't think it was intentional. Hopefully you can forgive him for that comment.

At least he carried you, which is a good thing

ndnpride88 25

Maybe he's just not as strong as he thinks he is.