Brief encounter

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Pewaukee

Today, a guy I have been crushing on since forever finally talked to me. Too bad it happened after an anxiety attack when he carried me from class to the nurse's. The first thing he said to me when I came to was, "You're heavier than you look." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 550
You deserved it 1 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ber4fun 23

At least he was a gentleman enough to carry you there. I wouldn't worry about his comment as a lot of people can appear skinny but weigh more due to muscle mass, water retention, etc..

Really hope you're feeling better, OP. I don't think he was being malicious but still not the best thing he could've said.


I don't think he meant anything mean and dead weight is always heavier cause u don't have your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders! If he doesn't like you he might of got a hernia from carrying you anyway so win win. While he's at the nurses office tell him to bend over for the nurse and get it all checked out.

I'm sure he meant no harm, OP. but it's so nice that he's so caring. Who knows, it may become an interesting 'how we met' story!

I think he was just trying to lighten to situation a bit, OP. I'm sure he was a little worked up about your anxiety attack.

I'd chalk it up as a win, he bothered enough to carry you all that way despite you, like most normal human beings, being heavy. Unless he makes a habit of carrying people around every day I'm not surprised he commented on how hard work it was!

Don't worry! Muscle weighs more than fat so if you look skinny but weigh more, then you have a lot of muscle!

Muscle actually doesn't weigh more than fat. A pound of anything will have the same weight as a pound of any other thing. I.e., a pound of bricks weighs the same as a pound of feathers, because they both weigh a pound. Also, a pound of fat takes up about four times the space of our muscle tissue does, so I get your point, but it's just worded incorrectly. Sorry!

Don't take it too hard, 1 that means you look like you don't weigh much and 2 it was dead weight which is always heavier than when you're awake. So it's not a bad thing really

it's ok OP. at least he was nice enough to carry you! and don't worry, I have the same situation as you weight wise. I'm sure you can try talking to him again later!

Something like that is usually how the cute couples in TV shows and movies meet, so......

That's adorable! When you get a chance to talk to him again say: ''I have heavy bones, I drink a lot of milk''. At least that was what explained my weight when doctors were confused as I grew up.