Brief encounter

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Pewaukee

Today, a guy I have been crushing on since forever finally talked to me. Too bad it happened after an anxiety attack when he carried me from class to the nurse's. The first thing he said to me when I came to was, "You're heavier than you look." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 464
You deserved it 1 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ber4fun 23

At least he was a gentleman enough to carry you there. I wouldn't worry about his comment as a lot of people can appear skinny but weigh more due to muscle mass, water retention, etc..

Really hope you're feeling better, OP. I don't think he was being malicious but still not the best thing he could've said.


Really hope you're feeling better, OP. I don't think he was being malicious but still not the best thing he could've said.

ber4fun 23

At least he was a gentleman enough to carry you there. I wouldn't worry about his comment as a lot of people can appear skinny but weigh more due to muscle mass, water retention, etc..

andrmac 25

He sounds very nice to make sure you're taken care of by carrying you to the nurse, so I would say he at least values you and likes you as a friend if nothing else.

Take it as a compliment to how fit you look

It might mean more than that too. The guy was nice enough to carry you to the nurse, so he's probably not a jerk. But every guy should know that you normally don't make comments about a girl's weight. So he's obviously not thinking straight for some reason, maybe cause he likes you too.

#46, so? Women can look fit too. If I were OP, I'd take the crushes comment as a compliment. There's a difference between being being fat, and being heavy.

I really hope you're feeling better. Anxiety is a bitch. But I wouldn't take what your crush said too harshly. Obviously that wasn't the best thing to say, but if he is a kind enough person to carry you to the nurses, I'm sure his intention was not to hurt your feelings.

Offer him to go work out together :D Him getting stronger and you getting lighter, making it easier for him to carry you around if needed :) I hope you feel better now, OP

Well, if she's heavier than she looks, I think she's good in the fitness department. Muscle mass is more sense than fat.

Should have told him "you're weaker than you look." Jk, but that was a little rude of him

I'd be happy with that comment, I'd take it like he doesn't think you look heavy! Hope you feel better after the anxiety attack. Sending love.

He helped you during an anxiety attack, that's a good thing. Maybe he tried to lighten the mood.

With your sex being male that comment does make a bit more sense...and hey keep pumping the iron you might get something with him...

If you're heavier than you look, that indicates bone density and muscle mass are high and body fat is low - in line with societal norms of what is attractive. In other words, this is a compliment.