
By Anonymous - 23/01/2012 14:19 - United States

Today, school tuition has taken up so much of my paycheck that the only thing I had to eat for dinner was applesauce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 760
You deserved it 3 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to increase your sauce of income somehow.

Garnish your Ramen noodles with it. Ramen is ******* delicious. Years of food for pocket change!


At least you had that..... Imagine if all you had was mustard.

i think the time has come to shove your pride aside and visit your local foodbank. Unless you enjoy eating liquified snacks for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

well at least it will keep the doctor away. save money on medical bills.

When life gives you apples, give the damn apples back!

mama2b3 20

Better than ramen in my opinion.

Ramen "kicks ass" because it has like 10,000 grams of sodium. Applesauce won't be as filling but at least it's not basically toxic.

BboyMarkieMark 3

Dang... Maybe consider two jobs if you have time or get a job at a food place so at the end of your shift you can fix you something to eat

At least you had SOMETHING to eat. I usually don't have anything to eat for a while after I pay tuition.

ilove80smetal 8

That sucks man. I just pray that your not taking some stupid ass course. Like history... God is history useless. "and in 1542 Columbus fou..." WE DON'T GIVE A ****! Lmfao.

Once your successful in ur field of work, then you'll probably just look back on this and laugh. Keep ur head up

xStaciexLynnx 15

Unless he's never successful. Then he'll just be back on FML again. "I ate applesauce for years to pay for college and now I'm working at McDonalds. FML."

Sounds like the average person in the U.S.'s story these days.