By kit_kat14 - 19/02/2010 14:27 - United Kingdom

By kit_kat14 - 19/02/2010 14:27 - United Kingdom
By ohokay - 24/01/2013 02:59 - United States - Bronx
By TheOtherWoman - 18/01/2013 17:21 - United Kingdom - Weston-super-mare
By ~~~~ - 27/05/2016 18:45 - Belgium - Hemiksem
By LIFT - 23/07/2020 08:01
By lightblue - 10/10/2010 04:33 - United States
By INside - 02/08/2011 04:52 - United States
By kal - 23/02/2010 16:28 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 09/11/2021 05:00
By Anonymous - 03/11/2009 14:04 - United States
By FBfail - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
first. haha
**** you, ur one of many idiots that waste comment space by saying "first"
FHL for both having a facebook and taking it seriously
agreed to #13.
to #35 ur gender sign on ur fml says male just to let you know
I whipped it out, cleaned it off, and stuck it in her eye. And by "it" of course I'm referring to a contact lens. It must have got dirty. ;)
ouch! I dont get why some people are such jerks squirting at their gf's eyes
You mean bf, OP is a man
wow o_O I didn't realise OP is a male, so that means it was gay sex lol
Oh, here we go...
go down the comments and you will see that kit kat said that she is actually 100% female
you should just tell him: "squirt it somewhere else or you can find another woman to suck your tiny dick!" ; )
#115 Theres no need to get so deffensive...just relax :D
haha dorkside that's great. font you love ignorant people? I hate stereotypers. <----not sure that's a word...oh well.
*stereotypists. You're welcome.
Lol OWNED!!!
seeing as HIS dick is in YOUR mouth, you can probably do worse things to him in return
Hehe good luck!!
Ya but he said squirting in HIS gfs eyes
@174- If nobody likes that shit why are you the one getting downvoted? "Tard"
hahaha I'm sorry for you OP but that's a tad funny. tell him "finish somewhere else or I'm spitting it back."
this is sick. it says the op is a guy. I threw up a little...
hahaha that's great
Pretend to swallow and then spit it back in to his mouth when you kiss
no way do like I said and spit it back. much more practical
and is much more realistic cause biting it off will just **** the OP
and maybe if your so stupid for spelling 'insensitive' wrong you should lose your dick too ;)
#42, agreed. if only you could high five over the internet.
#43 Maybe you should lose your dick for correcting someone's spelling when you don't know the difference between your and you're. :)
god dammit I hardly ever screw those two up. touché, I will admit when i have been defeated.
Finally, someone on FML who is actually admitting their grammar mistakes!
ok so here's the deal... you give head, you get prenut in your mouth, you swallow b/c you think it's your own spit, so therefore you're swallowing anyway... just a little FYI in case swallowing grosses you out. your man shouldn't ask such a thing from you anyway. that's a privalage not a right. my suggestion, on a serious note, quit giving head for a while and see how that makes him feel! yeah Adam I can't spell very well... that comes with dislexia! douche!! and thanks to the person that defended me!
haha sugarbaby deserves fml user of the year
cicy hvuopyu 2 pretty girls who like to swallow? wow haha. semen also whitens teeth!
wow lol :)
Agreed, girls should always long as we get a bomb eating afterward.(;
wow. fyl dude. y the damn eye tho???
maybe she should swallow so it wouldn't have to go in the eye
Op is a guy. He's gay.
create a facebook group " my boyfriend's best friend is really fantastic in bed !"
'Wow hes a guy too', sooo? lol anyways, errgh just dont do that to him anymore then, or sweet revenge? Or should I say salty revenge? I dno
I didn't mean to put it as a man! I am 100% female! lol!
As opposed to 95% female?
@105 Some people have a penis and a ****** so it's good for her to clarify the percentage.
Sexynator, you do know that you've completely misused Thats What She Said?
dump the bitch
ouch! I dont get why some people are such jerks squirting at their gf's eyes
hahaha I'm sorry for you OP but that's a tad funny. tell him "finish somewhere else or I'm spitting it back."