Buckle up!

By Anonymous - 25/06/2024 16:00 - South Africa

Today, I found out my wife is pregnant with our third child. This wouldn't be a problem but we only want two kids and I had a vasectomy 6 weeks ago (they take 3 months to be effective). We weren't careful only one time, and since it was difficult to conceive the two we wanted, we didn't think it would be a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 149
You deserved it 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what you get for tempting fate...

YDI for assuming and not using a condom.


Should have titled this one "Last Shot".

That's what you get for tempting fate...

YDI for assuming and not using a condom.

you can still just, not have the child. although personally there isn't much difference between 2-3 except you probably go to cheaper stores

Wadlaen 23

As soon as the child is born, I'm pretty sure you'll both be glad you had it Congratulations!

You knew it takes three months to take effect, and you just automatically assumed it wouldn't happen because the first two were difficult... so you intentionally took no precautions. I have one word for you - Karma. Actually, two - the second word is "irony."