
By ChemoInReno - 26/06/2024 04:00 - Australia - Point Piper

Today, I am still recovering after my second round of chemotherapy. You’d think I’d be able to rest instead of making lunch and dinner for our kids, and cleaning the house. But no, my wife says that would mess up her day. Which is centred around an 8-hour M*A*S*H marathon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 622
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like your wife needs someone to have a serious talk with her...

I hope you have family to fall back on because she will obviously not be there for you


Wadlaen 23

Sounds like your wife needs someone to have a serious talk with her...

I hope you have family to fall back on because she will obviously not be there for you

Yeah, no... you should be recovering and taking care of yourself. She can get off her lazy butt and be an adult.