Bugging out

By Jordan - 02/04/2015 19:58 - Jordan - Amman

Today, I wore a new shirt, but forgot to remove the price tag. It was kind of windy outside, so when I got outside, the tag hit me on the neck, I thought it was a giant insect attacking my neck. I started screaming like a little girl. I'm a 30 year-old guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 601
You deserved it 8 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd do the exact same thing, but then again I'm a 14 year old girl.

I am sure we all would have done the same, you're not alone OP!


'bugged'? He shrieked like a little girl. It didn't simply bug him, It scared the BEEjesus out of him.

At least you didn't think an insect was a tag, could always be worse OP!

How do you mistake an insect for a tag?

The same way he thought a tag was an insect vice versa.

What possible situation could there be where OP will mistake an insect for a tag? "Oh, the back of my neck feels itchy! Must be the tag... *is actually an insect*" Tags don't disappear from new clothes and be replaced by insects magically, your comment was illogical. Plus, one-uping yourself is lame.

Actually #62, I'm the one who gave him a thumbs up, not himself. You shouldn't accuse people of stuff when you have no proof whatsoever. And it is possible, unlikely, but possible. Often I cut out the labels (I know, not tags) off my tops as I find them sometimes itchy. Maybe that's what he meant.

Also, look at #26's comment below. There's a perfect example right there of how that situation is possible.

There's not a better way to destroy a mans pride

Hey man be lucky it was a tag. Could've been a spider then you probably would've died.

Don't feel bad OP. One time I almost wrecked my car because a bee was inside.

I have this awesome image of someone in their car driving and flailing away, spazzing out, flapping their hands and jerking their head trying to get away from a bee without crashing their car. It's pretty funny!

It was funnier when I misread shirt for skirt

ChelseaxNoellie 12

I'm pretty sure I'd do the exact same thing OP. With my luck I'd accidentally punch myself in the face.

I have had the opposite happen to me. I was in a store so I thought that a loose tag was on my neck. I reach back and I swear that the bug from Men In Black was in my hand

Would have done that too as a 15 year old guy