Bunch of cons

By sauce - 24/09/2010 06:33 - United States

Today, after months of looking, my fiancé and I finally signed a lease. We are using my savings to pay for it. This apparently poses a "moral dilemma" for my in-laws, who think we should wait to be married. I'm paying for an apartment I'm not allowed to live in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 605
You deserved it 6 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow ur stupid! why aren't you living there?!? kick him out, you move in, problem solved. quit being a doormat

BoyFromTheFuture 0

Op didn't say anything about religion. he said "moral dilemma". Unless you believe that religious people are the only ones with morals and therefore moral dilemmas. cover up, your prejudice is showing.


Your in-laws are correct. You shouldn't live together before you get married. If you do, one of you might spontaneously combust, which would be an insurance nightmare. In fact, my brother moved in with his fiance, and now they are financially (and morally) bankrupt. I also heard that a guy of a friend of my old college roommate moved in with his girlfriend, and then he ended up dead, and she got deported to Portugal. Think long and hard on what I've said.

Flutist 3

I heard about that. I also heard that moving in with someone before you have a ring means that monkeys will fly out of your ass and maul you. It is a hard decision. But you have to think about your future children--do you want them to be godless spawn or little angels of the lord. If the monkeys eat off your goodies, then you won't have to worry about it.

graciedacie 0

You have two options: 1- Screw what the parents say. You DO still have the freedom to choose to live however you'd like, no matter who is right or wrong! 2- Have a positive attitude about the situation anyways, because it doesn't matter who is footing the bill at this point, you or your fiancee....pretty soon you'll be sharing your finances for the rest of your lives, so what does it hurt to start now?!? This sounds like you are creating your own "f*cked" situation. Grow a backbone, and don NOT get upset with the parents for taking a conservative stance. you, nor you're fiancee, are being forced to live to their standards.

@142 unfortunately thtz da way life is.. it may seem f'd up at da time bt this (unfortunately) has happnd 2 u & ur friends, my condolences...

(Text language is both annoying and forbidden :P) Though I agree that it is sad and wrong that those kind of things happen.

Flutist 3

I think the texting has rotted their brain. :/ Yea, obviously you won't explode from moving in with your fiance, people do it all the time, no mass death tolls there.

Your using your savings for an apartment w/ your fiancé?

well tell your fiancé I'll be there tonight!

If you're old enough to have a fiancé, you're old enough to make your own decisions regarding where you stay.