By Anonymous - 22/09/2009 14:12 - United States
Same thing different taste
By anonymouschicka - 01/08/2009 19:20 - United States
Close, but no cigar
By RIPcareer - 18/10/2015 19:18 - United States - Ellicott City
At least they're reading them…
By Typidiot - 25/10/2017 01:37
By sam - 26/10/2017 08:00 - United States - Sun Prairie
By nobodyreadsmyemails - 27/10/2009 22:24 - Canada
By Fml24609 - 09/08/2010 08:29 - United States
Birth certificate
By figures - 29/11/2009 01:53 - United States
By jobless - 07/02/2010 06:12 - United States
By Damn - 06/12/2016 20:12
By IBS - 06/05/2014 09:11 - China - Shanghai
Top comments
I'm only replying to #1 so people will actually READ this post. Otherwise people will continue posting things along the lines of, "ummm its called SPELL CHECK" and other similar comments. Clearly the majority of Fmylife followers are extremely unintelligent and unable to realize that the original poster most likely left out the "A" and typed "eduction," therefore the "red squiggly line" did not appear under the misspelled word.
What? You're replying to the first comment because you want yours to be seen and read? How original.
No, I'm replying to the first comment so that people will see that EDUCTION is a valid typo for EDUCATION.
87- TL;DR OP must be from Alabama. AM I RIGHT?
ALWAYS have someone, or more than one person look things like that over for corrections and whatnot. And thats exactly why...
maybe they did... and were just as illiterate... although, you probably failed english and therefore no one would want you anyway i guess that's a comfort?
Niceeeeee xD
Well good sir you know how to use a spell checker but know little of Grammar. Perhaps one who lives in a glass house should not throw stones?
#8: His comment may have had an overabundance of unnecessary aggression but his grammar was, frankly, much better than yours.
Please good sir explain.
Okay, fine, "much" was an exaggeration. Neither of your posts had bad grammar. #4 only really broke one rule, and that was using a sentence fragment. However, it was done for effect, and personally I always forgive sentence fragments when done for effect, and purposefully practice that myself. The "make a living having dicks stab into your ******" is awkward sentence structure at best, but there is technically no incorrect grammar. Consider "make a living washing cars" and "having a friend help you move" and look at the structure of the verbs and objects there. It's only the combination of them that makes it sound weird. Your post, #8, capitalizes the word "grammar" for no apparent reason. I could also nitpick a minor detail: when speaking to a person, the phrase addressing them should technically be separated by commas. "Well, good sir, you..." would have been better form. However, again, under normal circumstances I wouldn't nitpick that because using commas directly influences how the sentence would be read aloud, and therefore again is used for effect. But overall you had one thing I would classify as a mistake, and you each had one that might get you a mark off on a University essay but in reality are pretty acceptable. I apologize for coming off too harshly, but if you wanted to criticize #4, grammar was definitely the wrong thing to attack.
Null: First off, let me say that you're awesome. Don't be offended by anything in this comment, as I mean it all in good fun. Second, you made some mistakes as well. I only noticed two, but I will list them for you. "...and purposefully practice that myself" is not an independent clause. Thus, it should be separated with a comma from the rest of your sentence. Also, you shouldn't start a sentence, much less a paragraph, with the word "but". I do the latter myself all the time, and I think it's acceptable by most standards. Anyway, feel free to correct any of my grammar, spelling, or syntax. I just thought you'd appreciate my help. Again, don't take any of it personally. You rock, no matter what.
Damn! Haha, you got me. Starting a sentence with "but" is an example of a grammar "mistake" that I commit on purpose (even Tolkien did it!), but touché on the comma separating the subordinate clause. I completely forgot about that rule. And (
Okay, that's weird. My comment got cut off (I think I might have put a symbol or two that it accidentally treated as HTML), and now I forget what it was intended to say. Something about purposefully starting my paragraph with "and" and something about you being awesome. Oh well.
Sucks. Simple mistake that anyone can make, and ignore all the haters who think you deserve it ... like they carry on a perfect existence.
how can you spell edoocasion wrong?!
but... HOW?? edicartion is an easy word to spell!!!
This is a rather low quality fml

An edumacation is a good thing.
ALWAYS have someone, or more than one person look things like that over for corrections and whatnot. And thats exactly why...