By Anonymous - 24/09/2010 04:53 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By JJ_V3N0M - 03/01/2015 10:48 - United States - San Francisco
By Nickolas Neffster - 05/10/2011 00:14 - United States
By NoConfusion - 14/09/2014 12:53 - United States - San Francisco
Life ain't a movie, son
By Effwmn - 20/12/2022 09:00
By Bilirubin - 20/02/2010 16:22 - United States
Where is it?
By beezybees - 20/02/2010 01:54 - United States
By nameless - 12/07/2009 06:45 - United States
By failure - 29/07/2011 06:19 - United States
By bruisedandconfused - 12/02/2019 12:25 - United States - Aberdeen
By Anonymous - 26/08/2010 09:16 - Canada
Top comments
Tbh, if she likes you as well then I'm sure she'll find it funny :P
OP thinks he can buy love apperently
Who buys a golden necklace for a FIRST date???
WTF YOU TAKE THINGS TOO FAR, OP! Chill the **** down. It's just a date.
i think this is sweet. altjhough i would presume he already knew this girl
YDI you creepy person.
plus it sounds like he is asking her to be his girlfriend. maybe they have been friends for ages.
How does OP know that this girl is the 'girl of his dreams'?
She wasn't sick, she got the creepy vibe from you and left. An engraved necklace is barely appropriate for 3-6 months, nevermind the FIRST DATE.
#139/5t3ff1k4h - my guess is that it's because OP is 12 years old and has no clue.
OK people, time to point something out. Asking someone out does not mean a first date in this situation. In this FML, asking someone out means "asking someone if they will be my girlfriend." OP and the girl were not on a first date. In all likelihood, they have known each other for a while and had gone on at least a handful of dates prior to this one.
Exactly, Zeb. This screams "puppy love and expendable income."
Even sex on the first date isn't THAT bad, for christ's sake, that happens all the time. But not just a necklace, not just a GOLD necklace... a presonalized/dated necklace?
OP ***** on first date.
178 - So does more than half of the population. Your point?
just give it to her anyways and say it's ur fault the date is wrong
Yeah, I think that, as a girl, a gold necklace like that on the first date would be a huuuuuge turnoff. It screams of total stalker nut job. You have to take things slow so you don't scare girls away. If she really is the girl of your dreams, take the necklace back, or just cut your losses and move on. I would highly suggest that she never gets that necklace or even finds out about it. It's way too much too soon.
#162/knibbsy - I see how conceivably you could read it that way, and take it as 'going out with/going steady', but from the wording, I think that's extremely unlikely, and that it IS in fact their first date. I'll bet I'm not Robinson Crusoe on that interpretation either, judging by the other 200 or so comments.
damn op. you scary
The engraved necklace would freak me out.
dumb ****
230 - That's the thing. I don't. Neither does anyone else here. I was offering insight to the other possibility.
You obviously have no idea what I'm talking about, so next time, just shut up. K? Great.
You bought a necklace and engraved it... FOR A DATE? How needy are you? Geez.. desperation obviously has a price... the price of a necklace.
Yeah, for the first date, this is super creepy/desperate. Hold onto it for a year OP and then give it to her, making a sweet joke about your almost first date... if you don't do anything like this and scare her away in the meantime.
also agreed
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Show it anyway18- No. It means that since his date was sick, she couldn't go on the date with him. He had an engraved necklace with the date they were SUPPOSED to go out (ex. Sep. 24) but they didn't go so he has a necklace with the wrong date.
umm no he ment to give the neclace with the date (eg.24.septemer) on the date (eg.dinner) he is meaning now when he goes on the next date (dinner) the date (24.september) on the neclace will not be the same and so it wont be romantic or whatever he was hoping for. not that he got the wrong date engraved
ooh, what 8 said! good thinking!
Regardless of what the date meant... it's still skeevy!
Oh, desperate is a verb now. Goodness, learn something new every day.
You should post on, her not seeing that creepy thing is a gift from your god imo. ydi
are you guys stupid? it's the date that they 'get together'
I'm not sure what a normal girl would say to this but I say if it's your first date it's too early for jewlery... it's a cute idea for an anniversary.
it's the girl of his dreams!! I would do the same!
I agree. bro, you're acting like a crazy person.
what an inconsiderate bitch getting sick like that when you were gonna ask her out - I bet that hoe is cheating on you already
18 and 33 are saying pretty much the same thing.. :b
Yeah seriously WTF?
Just tell her that the date engraved Is when the necklace was made
#2 is a bit harsh but I got to agree that it is way to early for a move like that, unless you know each other really well and even then it is a bit much. Great move for further down a relationship though!
"Ask out the girl of my dreams" kinda sounds like a first date
Pool that necklace. For like... a year. Then if you are still together, maybe it won't scare her away. Judging from what you wrote its the first date... you would freak her out with a gift like that on first date. Freak her straight out of your life forever.
Seriously. I hope the kid reads your message. If anything this dork and his creepy ass necklace dodged a bullet. The only way this would be more frightening is if he made the necklace himself out of her hair he collected while she was sleeping.
If a guy asked me out and gave me a gold necklace with our names I would be creeped out beyond comprehension…
most def!!!
You're a creeper.
damn haven't asked her out yet but you're already buying her jewelry? coming on a little too strong there tiger.
are you serious with that mustache mate?!
he might be a biker... and it doesn't look that bad.
... says the guy named "lickmyjock." O.o I might look like a librarian, but you definitely look like the Supersize Me/30 Days guy. Just sayin'. :]
People like you are why ALL GIRLS need to be taught self awareness and close in fighting skills. Including in-home firearms training. You are why chicks live with an element of fear. Chicks should look to guys whom they know as protectors, not what they need protecting from. I can picture you peeking in her window. You would not live thru doing that to my sister. EAT SHIT AND DIE CREEP!
what!!! lol but yeah CREEPY
yeah, all that for a first date?? sounds a lil creepy/stalker-ish to me. use your money on something to improve you and your creepy ass personality. you can't buy love...wait..with some people you prob can....
a gold engraved necklace for a first date? wow even in the psycho-stalker-handbook of dating that's like a third date thing. take it easy there leatherface
WIN! Totally Epic!
Probably a good thing she was sick so you could go home,post on FML and realise the necklace things a big mistake.You'll just creep her out!

You bought a necklace and engraved it... FOR A DATE? How needy are you? Geez.. desperation obviously has a price... the price of a necklace.
Pool that necklace. For like... a year. Then if you are still together, maybe it won't scare her away. Judging from what you wrote its the first date... you would freak her out with a gift like that on first date. Freak her straight out of your life forever.