Butt of the joke

By Fuck this - 11/09/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend screamed at me for "disciplining" her son, saying, "You're not his father!" I've lived with them for two years, supporting them, while his real father is off shooting up heroin, but sure, I'm out of line for telling the little brat that I don't like being called "Butt-crack." FML
I agree, your life sucks 611
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I think it’s time to move on man. It will never get better.

Both of the other commenters are correct. Even if you aren’t his “father”, you are an adult and he is living in your house. You should have a conversation with her on boundaries and discipline going forward and if they don’t work for you, it’s time to move on. It will only get worse.



I think it’s time to move on man. It will never get better.

A giant red flag as big as a sail. Abandon ship!

Both of the other commenters are correct. Even if you aren’t his “father”, you are an adult and he is living in your house. You should have a conversation with her on boundaries and discipline going forward and if they don’t work for you, it’s time to move on. It will only get worse.

d j mom 7

sounds like she's still hung up on his dad. if if they can't respect you then it's time to cut ties. you are simply a cash cow to them. move on.

Gotta agree with the others. If you aren't an equal part of the parenting dynamic after 2 years then she's just using you. Grieve your losses and move on.

Taticicijr 1

Me being a mother and a man want to discipline my child. 1st of all what type of disciplining was done. Did he calmly talk to my child and set him aside and speak to him like he would want to be spoken to? Did he Did he yell at him and use foul words to my child? Did he hit my child? Cause I take care of my bills and I take care of my children. No man is gonna raise a voice or spank my child but if he wanted to sit my child down and have a conversation on what not to do. That’s ok. If I don’t talk foul to my child or I don’t hit my child and another person thinks they will raise a hand to my child. I’m the provider for my child. yeah we have an issue. Time to go sir. just my opinion it’s not for everyone.