Call the cops

By Shelby1992 - 29/09/2022 02:30

Today, I dumped my boyfriend. He responded with kidnapping my dog while I was at work. He texted me a picture of him holding a piece of chocolate to his mouth, threatening to feed it to him if I didn’t get back with him. I took him back because I can’t bear my life without my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 509
You deserved it 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

do you not have cops where your from? cause thats not just animal endangerment, thats a sign of a controlling narccissist who will hurt whomever and whatever they like to get to where they feel they deserve. seriously, call the cops!

Yeah, that is one we need to watch out for. People who abuse animals are more likely to harm people.


well now I can break up and get a restraining order

‘Get back with him’ make sure you and the doggo are safe and away from anything potentially bad happening and break up with him again