Careless Whisper?

By InsultToInjury - 28/12/2018 04:00

Today, I had a one night stand. After her laying there without moving for ages, she impatiently asked if I'd finished. Once she got bored and told me to just finish myself off, her song playlist began playing "Never Gonna Dance Again". Very romantic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 115
You deserved it 1 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blunt person 16

Considering it was a one night stand, why the hell do you care?

So... time to reflect on what went wrong for the next time? Either she was extremely difficult to please or your game need serious improvement. Either way I'm voting YDI for being oblivious to her lack of interest the entire time.


TxKitten79 10

So, she laid there, unmoving for "ages," and you didnt think to try something else or ask her what she likes? Sounds like you really only cared about yourself and had no real interest in pleasing her. But, part of this is on her for not giving you any direction. So the two of you kind of did it to yourselves.

Obviously she didn't think it was worth it or too much to talk about.

We should start to not be nice and "let them finish". Just get up and say that it's not a good fit and leave or make them leave. But in reality it's hard to do so and can get really annoying or even dangerous if he doesn't accept it. So it's easier to just endure it for another minute or so.