Catch 22

By Jobless - 10/12/2016 03:35

Today I was fired from my job. They fired me because they couldn't work around my college schedule. The only reason they hired me was because they were looking for college students and without a job I can't go back to school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 327
You deserved it 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks! If that's the case then they shouldn't have even told you that they could work with your schedule in the first place, let alone hire you if they planned on firing you anyways. They could have saved you a lot of time, time that could have been used to find another job. Hopefully you'll be able to find work elsewhere soon, best of luck OP!

Take out a life insurance policy on yourself. Kill yourself. Collect the insurance payout. Simple and appropriate.


Op, when I worked while in college, I tried to make a simple schedule for work. I would try to take classes either on certain days (like Tuesdays/Thursdays or Monday/Wednesday/Friday). Or I would try to make a schedule where certain hours were blocked out for classes instead of spread out. Night classes or morning classes only. I tried to keep close to that schedule every semester as much as possible. Sometimes you can do mixed type of classes (online courses as well as campus classes).

<p>I'd see if there are any campus jobs.</p>