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By Anonymous - 25/10/2012 20:13 - United States

Today, I was fired for actively seeking employment with another company. Because of having just been fired, the other company will no longer give me the time of day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 200
You deserved it 4 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only way they could have found out that you were looking for another job is if you A) mentioned it or B) used your current boss as a reference. In either case, you're an idiot.

Psych101 9

And also well established means of producing a regular income to support oneself and possibly family. You got the main points though.


There are always other companies to apply to.

OP was still fired, which will still be a problem.

Looking for a job while unemployed is not fun, especially after getting fired.

Sounds to me like you have a couple of buildings to burn down.

Just remember OP. I don't like pickles on my burger.

Regardless of where you apply, many companies will not hire you after seeing you have a history of looking for another job and leaving them.

Yep 82, cause once you get a job, you're expected to stay there until you're fire/laid off. I think being fired for seeking other, potentially better, employment is just ****** up. Even if somewhere else called you in for an interview, it's no guarentee they will hire you. This, coming from someone whose family went through this. My dad hadn't gotten a raise in 5 years while his boss pissed away all company profits then fired him for trying to find a better job.

lizzi02 13

82, just because OP was looking to leave this job doesn't mean they have a "history" of doing this.

Umm.. yes, it does. If I punch my wife, even once, I will have a history of domestic abuse and a history of being a woman-beater. Not married, but you get the point. Your Internet can help you with this puzzle as well. Search 'Being an Idiot' in google or bing or whatever. Then check your history. You now have a history of being an idiot.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Well...think positive: maybe now you can find a job that better suits your interests! :) Everything happens for a reason.

SuperDerp 8

Does she ever have a bad hair day? Neigh. Anyway, I belives thats a throughbred (slaughtering the spelling). OP, if a company fires you for that its time for a new job anyway

Hiimhaileypotter 52

40- Thank you 52- She's a horse not a pony :) 59- She's a Quarterhorse-mix :)

No, things happen because things happen. End of story.

JOcoco 14

Is anyone else unsure as to wether this is a YDI or FYL? Edit: Never mind figured it out.

Well, this site is made so you can hit both

Why would OP let the company he was working for know he was looking for another place? Look for a new company at home or somewhere where they wouldnt be able to find out...

13: When you apply for a job, the managers often call your current employer for references. I guess that's how OP's company figured out.

9- I thought it was hear hear :-/ .....

jpoole 4

Jobs ain't nothin but hoe's and tricks.

Psych101 9

And also well established means of producing a regular income to support oneself and possibly family. You got the main points though.

Just remember, I only want 1 pickle on my burger. Btw I don't want to live on this planet anymore

Well, you have to admit, you shouldn't have waltzed into your office bragging about looking for a new job because your current one sucked.

rachelita2107 5

Most likely the job he applied for called his current job for a reference. Thats how it usually works.

Well, they usually ask if it is ok to call your present job for references.

rachelita2107 5

Ya but if you answer no to that they probably wouldnt want to hire you because it would possibly seem like your hiding something.

skip_m 6

KMS - Keep mouth shut. You should never let on to your employers or coworkers that you're looking for another job.

Or companies can decide not to be pieces of shit and do things like this.

Why not? Where my dad works, they'd fire him as soon as they heard of him getting a new job because they wouldn't want him to carry over information.

daringtoride 27

I agree with another poster - difficult time deciding if YDI or not. But why would you make it public knowledge that you're looking for another job? My mum is doing the same, but hardly anyone knows but me and my brother! Just as precaution because word does travel fast (at least where I live.)

The only way they could have found out that you were looking for another job is if you A) mentioned it or B) used your current boss as a reference. In either case, you're an idiot.

hopsinlove17 26

I agree. Why didn't you keep it on the down low?

Sometimes even if you ask an employer not to call the current employer they sometimes will. It's rather stupid and annoying.

Don't know why 69 is getting thumbed down. They're right. That's how my old supervisor found out I was job hunting.

holyshitbatman 20

you kind of deserve it...especially if you were looking for a new job at your current (well old) job. if you dont say anything, noone will know.

I don't particularly like your comment, but I love your profile picture. Musicians unite!

KiddNYC1O 20

You basically said the same thing as #12 but you're getting thumbed down.

KiddNYC1O 20

And apparently you're butchering Doc's ass with your tongue.

Couldn't help myself from writing this, but the last comment made me lol :P Nice work.