Catchy title

By Anonymous - 12/12/2013 00:51 - United States - Buffalo

Today, my boyfriend let me be the first one to read the novel he dropped out of college to write. Turns out it's titled "A Brief History of Ass" and is an incoherent ramble about every time we've had anal sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 891
You deserved it 8 996

Same thing different taste


God why does every comment here have to be a pun, what a load of ass

tehdarkness 21

C'mon, there must have been some indication that he is an idiot?

p007 12

I actually tried to look up the novel lol

If she's the first person he's shown it to, then chances are it hasn't been sent anywhere so of course you didn't find it. You likely won't, no one is going to publish that crap.

RedPillSucks 31
Epikouros 31

Don't worry, the publisher will give the book a more classy title, like 'The Surrender' by Toni Bentley.

This is, by far, the funniest FML I've ever read.

Tobamf 18

definitely one of the funnier ones.

I would like to read that novel. When will it be published?

Without you, the book wouldn't have been possible. Good job!

Did you at least get an honorable mention type of thing in the beginning? Like a dedication on a page before the book started

Just think. At one point, you met this genius and thought "yes, this is someone who I would like to date".