Catchy title

By Anonymous - 12/12/2013 00:51 - United States - Buffalo

Today, my boyfriend let me be the first one to read the novel he dropped out of college to write. Turns out it's titled "A Brief History of Ass" and is an incoherent ramble about every time we've had anal sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 891
You deserved it 8 996

Same thing different taste


reymon8823 24
Sitting_Ducki 8

If your names in it you can stop it from being published

Or not if it happens often enough to write a book about bit.

Make sure he actually doesn't use your real name...

SoCalMan 3

Your boyfriend must be really good looking if you just now noticed that he was an idiot. This is not a criticism, we all need our inexplicable fling.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

That's a really bad thing for your boyfriend to do! Definitely FYL....