Caught in 404pp

By danggit3290 - 03/05/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, I was masturbating in the dark with the door open. I thought I saw a figure outside my door, because I didn't have my glasses on. After intensely staring at the dark figure for about a minute, thinking it was my imagination, my stepdad said, "You know, I'm looking RIGHT at you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 030
You deserved it 89 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not closing the door. On the other hand, FYL for having a stepdad who would stare at you while you're masturbating instead of, I dunno, walking away.


#122 It is rape if you didn't ask for it and if you did not want it!

mtorres8789 0

how wrong lol close your door next time and i can't believe your that blind, lol i'm hoping your a guy!

LMAO @ #19 Why would you do that with the door open?! and if you thought u saw something, why not put on your glasses, pull your pants back up and MAKE SURE

sometimes, when you stare into the abyss... the abyss watches you **********

oh my god lmao suddenly my life seems less bad xD that was fckin hilarious

Idiot, You always wank with your glasses on, i mean how you supposed to see ur ****?

TheBrunetteDevil 0
dudeitsdanny 9

I don't know where to start. 1. FYL for having a step-dad that watches you ********** 2. YDI for not closing the door 3. FYL for not telling us what happens after. This is **** material. Step-dad: You know, I'm looking RIGHT at you. OP: I know. ;] -bad sex scene-

danggit3290 0

Hey guys...uh...I am a girl. The only reason my stepdad was looking is bcuz he thought i was texting (im not allowed to text after 10). I was under the covers if you were wondering. and btw, i dont have a door cuz im grounded :( p.s. i thought they were asleep! :-/