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Cereal killer

By Anonymous - 26/10/2013 18:40 - United Kingdom - Aberdeen

Today, I went to the kitchen to grab some cereal. I guess my mum didn't hear me, because as I entered, I heard her ranting to herself about her, "goddamn fucking Cheerios". I started to slowly back out, but I tripped over my own feet. She heard and yelled at me for "sneaking around". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 097
You deserved it 4 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

username53001 7

The Cheerios sent a message back. It says oooooo.

Wow, who pissed in her Cheerios? What, too soon?


My apologies, FML community. This was my first, first comment. *thumbs down own comment and cries silently in the corner*

Gingerette 8

But what if it our time to go? What then, I ask; what then, my friends?

Cheerios make my mum angry too. Must be a UK thing.

Northern Ireland is apart of the United Kingdom.

Dublin is in the Republic of Ireland, which isn't part of the UK. You're thinking of Northern Ireland. Way to know your own country's geography...

Oh shit, didn't notice the Dublin portion. My mistake.

*facepalms at lack of geographical knowledge*

#2 Are you living in the 1800s right now

Does it really ******* matter what part of Ireland or the UK or wherever the **** she is

username53001 7

The Cheerios sent a message back. It says oooooo.

Just the thought of Cheerios makes me furious. Damn it. Look what you did OP. >:(

Gingerette 8

Seriously? Cheerios always calm he down. Guess I'm a black sheep.

Hey color doesn't matter we are all horrible on the inside

SherlockWho 6

Better switch to Raisin Brand, OP.

Yeah, the lack of fibre in her diet is probably what's making her so grumpy. Constipation can be a bitch sometimes.


You tripped over your own feet? Are you sure it wasn't the Cheerios that tripped you?

Cheerios? Now "Coo-Coo for Coco Puffs" I can understand. "I mix your milk wit my cocoa puff, Milky, milky cocoa, Mix your milk with my cocoa puff, milky, milky riiiiiiight."

perdix 29

Their cheeriness can be irritating before your morning coffee.

Tell her to switch to fiber one, it might help get that stick out of her ass.