Change the station

By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 02:29 - Italy

Today, I managed to not think too much about how alone I feel living in a strange city, and I went out to find a quiet place to write and eat. After I ordered my meal, I saw that I was the only diner that was sitting alone at a table. Then "All By Myself" came on the radio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 285
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

haha it's funny how life works like that.

Get a life. When u do find one, let me know so I can get one as well. /:


HaileyHAVOC 0

how about you go make some friends? also that is just awesome timing, I legitimately would have laughed aloud to myself once I realized the song and everything.

Lighting_XDB 0

Ha! That's very sad but epic. XD

Your life is the defenision of irony my frend

yaknowiverse 0
momoegan 4

I feel like they played that for you

Who deserves this no one does he's sad and alone it's not fare to tell this poor chap YDI he dose not Fyl sorry bro hope you make some

Reminds me of poor Nietzsche, all alone in a city, having to make up friends he had conversations w/ to explore philosophy... Don't worry too much, best opportunities tend to present themselves on their own.