Where am I?

By Anonymous - 13/06/2024 09:00 - United States - Chicago

Today, I was at a new restaurant when I went to the restroom. When I was done, I sat back down at the table, and idly started listening to my friends chatting. After a few seconds, I realized I'd sat at the wrong table, with complete strangers, who were too polite and/or bemused to say anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 196
You deserved it 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope you at least bought them a round of drinks.

I get being disoriented in a place you've never been to before, but how did you sit down at the wrong table without the wrong faces giving them away?


Hope you at least bought them a round of drinks.

I get being disoriented in a place you've never been to before, but how did you sit down at the wrong table without the wrong faces giving them away?

Perry Winkle 3

All friends start out as strangers