
By freakofnature - 31/03/2012 16:17 - United States - Valparaiso

Today, I visited my new doctor, hoping that he would be able to figure out the cause of the pains I've been having for years. He told me there's nothing he can do, that half the drugs out there cause cancer anyway and that I should look into homeopathy. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 625
You deserved it 2 398

Same thing different taste

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If you had come to see me, I'd tell you that the cause of your pain is FML commenters making stupid comments, making the same grammatical errors repeatedly, and failing to learn from mistakes. No wait, that's where MY headaches are coming from. Nevermind.


Grauncho 27

Yup, sometimes it requires seeing a specialist to find the root of the problem. A shame that you can't see one unless a doctor sets you up with one

Ever heard of a homeopathic cure for polio? I haven't.

At least he was honest. I had a lot of pain and nausea, back spasms, joint pain, abdominal pain, head aches, constant colds and flu's among other things. This all began at the age of 16! They would only tell me to eat better and as I got older doctors began telling me it was stress. I thought I was dying and that they all thought I was a hypochondriac and lost faith in doctors. Fast forward 10 years and my problems are all minuscule compared to what they were. They used to control my life but now their just annoyances. I cut stress out of my life, started to exercise and eat healthy. The more active I get the better I feel. They were right, it was stress and diet.