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By freakofnature - 31/03/2012 16:17 - United States - Valparaiso

Today, I visited my new doctor, hoping that he would be able to figure out the cause of the pains I've been having for years. He told me there's nothing he can do, that half the drugs out there cause cancer anyway and that I should look into homeopathy. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 640
You deserved it 2 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you had come to see me, I'd tell you that the cause of your pain is FML commenters making stupid comments, making the same grammatical errors repeatedly, and failing to learn from mistakes. No wait, that's where MY headaches are coming from. Nevermind.


What a great doctor you've got there.

Shoulda just gave him a medical Mary Jane card. :)

Yep, good thing there is more than one doctor out there. Go see a new one, otherwise YDI.

peachesncreem 21

If he hasn't even explored all of the possibilities for the source of your pain then it's definitely time for another new doctor! You're probably going to need blood tests and scans if you've had these pains for a while. Good luck OP! Hope you feel better :)

Odds are, OPs next doctor will be wearing the pelt of a wolf and make her sniff incense while he dances around his tent chanting.

you could always look into medicinal marijuana.

loginword123 0

It's the safest therapeutic substance on earth

And the potheads win the thumb war once again. Somebody just shoot me now, please.

xMiss_Maggot 7

wow little wannabes kids are saying yes to weed

abbyabb 4

This should be a choice that is in influenced

aaahhhfire21 0

Something tells me 54 has something against the peaceful potheads of the world and our lovely lil plant

alwaysrunnin 3

I bet half these guys claiming their potheads haven't even touched it.

If you guys were in pain as much as OP, you wouldn't be insulting a proven remedy. It's weed, big deal.

Yeah! Marijuana has been shown to alleviate symptoms of pain, as well as nausea, lack of appetite, and insomnia. It wont fix the problem, but it will fix the symptoms. Also, you'll be out of food in a few days

Insomnia??? If only I lived in Colorado. -_- Too many sleepless nights. Earliest I ever fall asleep is 5 a.m.

wlddog 14

Try ski diving. Without a parachute. For the Doctor.

omgcookeys 15

So OP should shove the doctor out of a plane without a parachute because the doctor couldn't help her?? That makes sense.

Makes sense to me. Sounds like a grand idea.

Ski diving? Hmmmm. . . . Must be a new sport. What do you do? Strap on a pair of skis while you jump out of an airplane? I can just envision it now. . . Next they will have board diving - trying to surf the air while you freefall 120 mph.

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Most people won't get the reference....

Tennant* :( And you call yourself a fan!

My bad, I think I will go and arrest myself for that, yup, step into this police box and just, arrest myself

Guess its time to go to another doctor. He sounds like he doesn't know what he's doing. :P

zingline89 18

And we finally learn DocBastard's true location: Indiana

sqeakyclean 7

Wait until he sees this comment...

12 - next time you go to any checkup at any clinic the DocBastard is gonna remove your kidney just for saying that. lol

zingline89 18

That's alright, I've got one to spare in case of such event. Just don't tell him.

If you had come to see me, I'd tell you that the cause of your pain is FML commenters making stupid comments, making the same grammatical errors repeatedly, and failing to learn from mistakes. No wait, that's where MY headaches are coming from. Nevermind.

I wonder if you've seen the comment above yours yet? Lol!

It's ironic because Doc just finished his fantastical homeopathy adventures. If you've not read it, here's a spoiler: it doesn't ******* work