Checked out

By $$$ - 29/05/2013 04:49 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, an elderly woman couldn't afford all of her groceries at the checkout so she started to take out a few things. I offered to pay for her groceries; she thanked me and walked out. An onlooker then came up to me and told me that she does it to someone every week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 891
You deserved it 6 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because she's a thief doesnt mean your good deed means nothing. Don't let bitch granny stop you from being awesome!


Well **** it. You paid it forward anyways!

If you can't even trust an old lady not to hustle you then what the hell. I suppose the homeless man I gave a dollar to earlier took of his raggedy clothes after I left revealing a suit and then proceeded to getting into his BMW

LilFlutter 10

Some "homeless" panhandlers do actually go home in BMWs and the like at the end of the day. I knew someone (very trustworthy source) who had seen it. They can make good money panhandling, more than some jobs pay.

it shows you have a good heart though

Don't feel bad about helping someone out, regardless of the outcome..... paying it forward!

That was wonderful of you, OP...maybe she needs help weekly.

So she does it every week, she still has to eat every week. Good thing you were there to be the gentler kinder soul. She may have gone hungry if not for you.

she might be a con woman or she might be low on money a lot of the elderly don't get enough cash and thus result in eating stuff like cat and dog food to survive

RKD 23

Still nice of you-everyone is being so kind today! If you did the right thing, you did the right thing!

Why is that granny evil? If she's poor, she won't have enough money next week either, or the week after that. I think it's a good tactics for survival. It's maybe not completely honest, but you have to respect her for having the guts to do this. She hasn't lived decades to just fade away at the end because the social security in her country sucks.