
By ChildFree - 20/04/2015 23:55 - Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Today, my mother-in-law asked me when my fiancé and I were going to start having children. When I told her we weren't planning on having any, she went on a tirade about how selfish and cold I am for denying her precious grandchildren. Now she hates me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 900
You deserved it 4 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should do whatever seems best for you. I never understood why people pressure others to have kids.

Mother-in-laws are always a pain. Do what you want and dont listen to her


It's your life but if that's her only son I see her point of view too

acerredrum 23

You see the point in being a total jerk to someone who doesn't deserve it? Disappointment is okay, being a rude, overbearing, brat is not. Particularly considering OP said they both made the decision.

No I don't like how the mother in law goes about it how she's rude but if it's her only child I see why she's being like that

it doesn't matter if it's her only son, she is still being selfish by trying to force something huge into someone else's life for her own selfish desires.

ImpracticalJoekr 9

I have one daughter and my obnoxious MIL keeps insisting we have another one, trying everything from asking to when we will, am I ready, and has the nerve to try to guilt with "she needs a playmate!". I've told her I can't handle two but she tries to insist I can, like she knows what's best -_-

ImpracticalJoekr 9

Since I didn't have enough room to finish my comment, I have to add my MIL has TWO sons, and my husband's brother is also married but childless. Next time she tries to bring it up I'm going to snap and say unless my brother in law or his wife can't have kids, start nagging them, I'm done hearing it.

Not your mother in law till your married.

buy her a dog, her life must be too annoying

leogachi 15

Overbearing people should never have pets.

I don't blame you. I don't want kids either. Kids are loud, annoying, messy, needy, and a HUGE financial burden. If you want kids then hey great for you! Good luck with that. I just find children insanely annoying.

GleefullyMacabre 1

Tell MIL you'll give her grandchildren when SHE gives YOU a few more Siblings-In-Law.

It's your decision, not hers. Stick by what is right for you. She is the one being selfish. I feel you btw. My boyfriend's mom is pushing us for a child right now and we aren't even engaged yet and the child from my first marriage isn't out of diapers yet.

What does your fiancé think about her response to your joint decision as a couple? I can't imagine that he's pleased. Hopefully your mother in law will grow more understanding in time.

IndianaJoe0321 19

Your mother-in-law is ok with you being engaged to your mistress? Interesting family dynamic.