
By ChildFree - 20/04/2015 23:55 - Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Today, my mother-in-law asked me when my fiancé and I were going to start having children. When I told her we weren't planning on having any, she went on a tirade about how selfish and cold I am for denying her precious grandchildren. Now she hates me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 900
You deserved it 4 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should do whatever seems best for you. I never understood why people pressure others to have kids.

Mother-in-laws are always a pain. Do what you want and dont listen to her


It's your decision as a couple, she should respect that.

Some people aren't meant to have babies. If you don't want them now or ever it's up to you I would've probably ducked the question & changed the subject. Since you're not yet married, I would've let my fiance have that convo. It's his mom

moonphase3661 1

I was pretty outraged when I read this and then saw where you posted from. Ah. That'll do it. The family culture in Saudi Arabia is pretty child directed. However, having children is 100% yours and your husband's choice. Good luck!

squarecircles 13

Mother in laws like that obviously have no idea what selfish really is, cause they don't even consider the numerous amount of unwanted children there are out there. Drives me nuts.

Don't let her tell you what to do and be a bitch. Remind her it's your body and if you don't want a kid in it its your choice, not hers.

It is better to be honest and not have children if you don't want them. Too often people have kids for someone else and it's the kid who pays the price.

Stay strong. There will always be people telling you that having kids is a beautiful thing or whatever but if it's not your thing, don't do it. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for not wanting to go through all that.

There's a reason that MOTHERINLAW is an anagram for WOMANHITLER

It's your choice to have or not have children. Don't let anybody push you into something you don't want to do with your life. And for the person who said Family is important, I agree. I also agree that it is their life together, their decision together and they shouldn't be pressured into parenthood if they don't want to be parents.

I went through this same thing a few years ago . . . sorry OP. But for real, kids are up to you and your fiance, period. No one else gets to be part of that decision, regardless of how that may make them feel.