
By ChildFree - 20/04/2015 23:55 - Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Today, my mother-in-law asked me when my fiancé and I were going to start having children. When I told her we weren't planning on having any, she went on a tirade about how selfish and cold I am for denying her precious grandchildren. Now she hates me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 900
You deserved it 4 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should do whatever seems best for you. I never understood why people pressure others to have kids.

Mother-in-laws are always a pain. Do what you want and dont listen to her


My SO and I also do not want children, much to the unhappiness of his mother and mine. I get really tired of being told I'll change my mind if I have one, and all I can think is well I effing hope so since it is a little late at that point.

Probably would have left that one to her Son to answer

The choice to have children is a very personal thing, and a lifelong commitment. Don't ever let anyone pressure you, because only you know what's right for you.

Look on the bright side, at least you aren't contributing to the already overpopulated world...