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By lovekills99 - 19/01/2009 17:59 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend's mother told me she had fantasies about throwing him out a window when he was a baby because she was so depressed and couldn't handle the stress. The worst part is he wants to get married. She'd be my mother-in-law. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 687
You deserved it 4 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

infantrygirl 0

You're judging her for a confirmed psychological disorder? Classy.

infantrygirl 0

Look, if you have a bad relationship with her, that's one thing. I can take pity and say I'm sorry you have a poor relationship with your boyfriend's mother. But coming on here and going all "FML" about another woman's psychological condition isn't gonna gain much sympathy. Maybe she felt she could confide in you and tell you this personal, painful bit of her history without you. All I'm saying is that, if your relationship is that bad, complain about something else, instead of her post-partum depression. One more thing: It's also not appropriate for a 17-year-old to talk about marriage. I seriously doubt you're mature enough or ready for it. (And no, that's not judging you personally. That's my opinion on all 17-year-olds.)


You sound like such an idiot, dumb bitches like you make me laugh

believe me there could be worse. from day one everything has been separate from my family his family. if we could have had two weddings his mom would of but I put my foot down. when I got pregnant we had to have two separate showers my mom threw me one then his mom threw one. the expected us to pay for it I told her she was out of her mind. so her just dreaming about throwing him out a window because of depression years ago. your safe. Lol

jlnotary 33

It's completely appropriate to talk about postpartum depression. Get over yourself. Maybe you have problems with her because you're a judgmental brat.

What his mother went through is a very common thing. (I think it's called post-natal depression.) There's no reason to write an FML about it; it can happen to any mother in varying degrees. The fact that she didn't throw him out the window shows how strong she was to overcome the urges.

in case you have missed everyones point, someone having a past perfectly common medical condition and living though it is NOT a legitimate thing for you to be bitching about. You may have been uncomfortable with it, how and when she told you, but get over yourself and realize the heartbreak she had to go through. You say you had been together for 2 years, that you hardly knew her? I find that stranger than her confession. And I wouldnt have brought up the shrink. Simply put, you are either talking to one because you need help wich does not help people on here see you in any better light. Or you just off handedly talked to someone at a party that happened to be a shrink, that doesnt help either cause whos going to tell you how rude that is or that you're wrong at a party? Again, just hurts your cause. I can think of lots of reason to share that with you, yes even at 17. First would be a scare story of how hard being a mom is, assuming that after 2 years sex has at least come up and maybe she wasn't ready for grandkids. Second would be to help you understand her relationship with her son, be it overcoming early trials or why they are disconnected now, wich ever the case maybe. Theres more but I am going to jump on you know for being a bitch. You cant post an FML and think you're going to be the only one people wont call out? Everyone is here to judge, thats the point of the FML site, TO JUDGE YOUR LIFE. So drop the poor me, I am being attached crap and realize that this many people cant be too far off. Yes theres stuff we dont know, there is with every FML, that the way the game is played. Grow up.

Just don't leave your future children alone with her ever.

It's called postnatal depression and actually a lot of mothers get it. It is very common and has varying degrees of severity. It's nothing to be ashamed of and is not her fault.

That's doesn't make you any less stupid ??