Class war

By gill - 20/06/2024 03:00 - United States - San Diego

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. Recently, her mother married a rich guy and they moved in together. Her stepfather pays for everything and she can now go to bars every weekend or travel. Now that she’s “had a taste of the good life” she thinks she can meet someone better. I’m working class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 582
You deserved it 84

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she just ditched you like that and for such materialistic reasons, then she's not worth crying over. Forget about her.

anony_mouse 5

Stepfather is her sugar daddy, she left you for him.


If she just ditched you like that and for such materialistic reasons, then she's not worth crying over. Forget about her.

anony_mouse 5

Stepfather is her sugar daddy, she left you for him.

YDI in the best sense - you deserve better than her.