Classic blunder

By Anonymous - 15/05/2012 14:13 - United States

Today, I found out my best friend was having a birthday party and I wasn't invited, so I asked her why. She replied, "What birthday party?" It was a surprise birthday party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 387
You deserved it 31 237

Same thing different taste

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babyshaft408 8

Women sometimes r the worst

That's when you go up to those dumb bitches who didn't invite you and say "that's what you get for not inviting me, ass holes"

When are people going to learn, if you're not invited to something, you're not invited! Plain & simple!! You don't ask why! You just accept that you're not welcome at this occasion! You don't ruin a surprise because you weren't invited! That's the risk you run when you question things! Keep your mouth shut!!

Well, I don't know about you but if it was my best friend's birthday and I wasn't invited to their party, I would ask why. You don't expect not to get invited to your best friends birthday and it hurts when you aren't included. I am sure many other people would do the same purely because that want answers and to make sure they didn't hurt the friend feelings or something.

I have never seen a comment from NoorFML thumbed down

102 - Well I guess you can't say that anymore.