Classic japes and scrapes

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Japan

Today, I went for a run to try and work on getting in shape. Nine steps in, I slipped in some slimy moss, almost broke my hip on the pavement, and gashed open my elbow. I'll be surprised if I can walk straight in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 584
You deserved it 4 091

Top comments

lonesomeXheartbr 0

Good for you, for trying to get in shape. I know this has probably turned you off running for a while, so once you're feeling better, try something else! Don't give up!


Well THAT didn't work out well. Maybe you shouldn't jog outdoors. Join a gym with an indoor track and try again. More exercising, less moss. +/-

Randen_fml 0

YDI for trying to improve yourself, not watching your step, counting your steps, being a klutz, having a hip, having an elbow, and just being a wuss. Drink water and walk it off, Cupcake.

twinny_sc 13

Ha the cupcake part made me giggle! :D

Good for you, for trying to get in shape. I know this has probably turned you off running for a while, so once you're feeling better, try something else! Don't give up!

now there's some words of encouragment for ya

I fell off a curb one time when I was running and broke my ankle. I feel your pain

So are you gonna walk gay? haha bad joke.

"I'll be surprised if I can walk straight in the morning." THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! No, really.. it is..

saragr94 2

haha i was thinking the same thing

Nothing like a good excuse to not run again eh?