Classic japes and scrapes

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Japan

Today, I went for a run to try and work on getting in shape. Nine steps in, I slipped in some slimy moss, almost broke my hip on the pavement, and gashed open my elbow. I'll be surprised if I can walk straight in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 583
You deserved it 4 091

Top comments

lonesomeXheartbr 0

Good for you, for trying to get in shape. I know this has probably turned you off running for a while, so once you're feeling better, try something else! Don't give up!


hcovballer247 0

I've done worst. It's called sucking it up.

bjbrad69 0

last time I checked moss doesn't grow on pavement

He might have been running where there isn't pavement... People do that sometimes.

OFP2012 0

You're actively trying to improve yourself, that's more than could be said by a lot of people.

jkgfdxb 0

where the hell were you running?

whoisthisgirl 4

at least is the key word here lol

igloo777 0

it's ok the same thing happens to me when u was having sex. lol

uhhhh you either break a hip or you don't... no almost there :D

funsize304 0

stop bitching and be glad you didn't actually break anything! and next time avoid slimy moss, dumbass!